1·The effect of turbulence in water body on organic compound biodegradation.
2·Measured by surface area, the Caspian Sea is the world's largest inland water body.
3·Control factor is enter quantity of water body in sunshine, and water body flow is smooth.
4·An oxbow lake may survive as a water body for some time, especially if groundwater seeps into it.
5·At the end of the newly created water body, Manchhar Lake became the receptacle for massive amounts of water.
6·A mass of ammonifiers in water body and sediment can make ammonia accumulate in water body through ammonification.
7·The result of the test showed that obvious pollution of water body was still caused by matured waste filled in water.
8·This artificial water body will be used to heat the museum via a geothermal heat pump, transferring heat from the ground.
9·The degrees of water pollution from wastes that were filled in water body after landfilled for different years were discussed.
10·The sediment of water body is the main carrier of heavy metal elements, their contents reflect the environmental quality in the water system.
1·And in 2009, the loop that once extended from the river has been reduced to a semicircular water body connected to the river only by a narrow channel.
2·Measured by surface area, the Caspian Sea is the world's largest inland water body.
3·Compared to the image from 1984, the image from 2009 shows that Devils Lake has expanded dramatically, and Stump Lake has grown from a small sliver to a large, curving water body.
4·The immune system in the water body is maintaining steadily by numerous bacterium, algae. Like the bacterium in the human large intestine helps us to absorb.
5·The effect of turbulence in water body on organic compound biodegradation.
1·Therefore, matured waste should not be filled in water body of the third area after the first and second area in Ningbo Tongpenpu waste landfill site being finished.
因此,宁波市铜盆浦垃圾填埋场的第、第库区填满后,不能把第、 库区内的腐熟垃圾填入第库区的水域。
2·For instance, a mountain can be a typical boundary between the city-states. Because Greece is surrounded by the ocean in all directions, a section of water body can also serve as the boundary.